Facing an unplanned pregnancy can feel scary and confusing, and trying to understand what options are available to you and which to choose can also leave you feeling overwhelmed.

The option you decide will have a permanent effect on your future and your health, so it’s important to get as much information as you can before making a decision about your pregnancy.

One of the options that you’re likely considering is abortion, but while there are 2 different types of abortion, there are limitations, risks, and side effects that you need to be aware of in order to protect your health.

Medical Abortion

Medical abortion, also called “the pill”, involves taking a series of drugs to terminate your pregnancy.

The first drug taken is called mifepristone. This medication causes your body to stop producing the hormone progesterone and prevents the fertilized egg from staying attached to your uterine wall or growing any further.

Side effects of mifepristone can include:

  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache

The next medication taken is called misoprostol. This drug causes your uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy and associated tissues.

Potential side effects of misoprostol include: 

  • Painful cramping
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Nausea and vomiting

There is also a risk of an incomplete abortion, which could require a follow-up surgical abortion.

Knowing the age of your pregnancy is also very important when considering a medical abortion as the FDA only approves the procedure in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. Attempting a medication abortion after 10 weeks also increases the likelihood of an incomplete abortion.

Surgical Abortion

Surgical abortion is an invasive medical procedure that is conducted by trained medical professionals. During a surgical abortion, your cervix is dilated and medical instruments are inserted into your uterus to remove the pregnancy and any associated tissue.

Side effects from this procedure include pain and cramping, which may range from mild to severe.

There is also a potential for risks from surgical abortion that can include: 

  • Uterine perforation
  • Cervical damage
  • Uterine wall scarring, which can lead to painful menstrual periods and infertility
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Infection 

Other Side Effects and Risks

While the physical side effects and risks of both medical and surgical abortion have been well documented, recent research has also indicated that post-abortive women can suffer from mental health-related issues. 

These side effects can include:

  • Loss 
  • Grief
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness 
  • Depression

Get the Facts, Know Your Options

Deciding how to deal with an unplanned pregnancy is an important decision that will impact your life and your health. For the sake of your future and your body you deserve to know all the facts and be empowered to make the best decision.

One important way to get those facts is with a free ultrasound scan from Wellspring Pregnancy and Health Center. This scan will reveal important facts like the age, location, and viability of your pregnancy—all details that will help you know which option is best for you.

Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential appointment, and start getting the answers you need—and deserve.
