A positive pregnancy test is just the beginning—it doesn’t provide all the details you need to make an informed decision.

No matter what pregnancy decision you might be thinking of, you should consider getting an ultrasound. With so much to think about, an ultrasound can confirm key details that can unlock your options moving forward.

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of your uterus. It’s a simple procedure. A technician will apply a gel to your abdomen, which helps the sound waves travel. Then, a device called a transducer is moved over the gel, sending sound waves that bounce off tissues and bones, creating images on a monitor.

Why You Need an Ultrasound

An ultrasound provides critical information that a pregnancy test cannot, such as:

  • Gestational age. Period trackers and the estimated date of conception alone aren’t enough to determine the age of your pregnancy. An ultrasound will take measurements that can more accurately determine your pregnancy’s gestational age. This is essential if you’re considering an option like the abortion pill since these drugs are only FDA-approved if your pregnancy is ten weeks gestation or under.
  • Location. Most pregnancies develop in the uterus. But rarely, the embryo attaches and grows outside the uterus. This is called an ectopic pregnancy, and it’s a life-threatening emergency that needs immediate medical treatment.
  • Viability. Roughly 26% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and it’s possible to experience one without any immediate symptoms. An ultrasound will look for signs of life and help rule out miscarriage.

Schedule an Ultrasound

Get the essential answers you need with a free and confidential ultrasound. The sooner you have all the necessary information, the better equipped you’ll be to make a well-informed decision for your future. Our supportive team is here with you every step of the way.

Our ultrasounds are reviewed by a radiologist, and our team will review the report with you. Contact us today to get an ultrasound.
