Parenting might seem like a challenging option, especially considering your current circumstances. Many people in similar situations have chosen parenting for their unexpected pregnancy, and you can explore this option to see if it’s right for you.

If you’re thinking about parenting, this information can help you explore the essentials. For those interested in learning about available resources and services that can support successful parenting, Wellspring Pregnancy + Health Center is here to assist.

Is Parenting Right for Me?

When you consider parenting, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions or have many questions. It’s important to remember that no one feels completely prepared to parent, and even those who plan carefully often find parenting to be a surprising journey.

To help you decide whether parenting is right for you, consider asking yourself:

  • What might my life look like if I choose to parent?
  • How might I feel if I decide not to parent?
  • What parenting role models can I look to for advice, either in my life or through other resources?

You may not have the perfect answer to each question, but these can give you some idea of your readiness and ability to parent as you consider this option.

Your support network is another important factor. Consider whether your family or partner supports your decision. Lack of support can feel isolating, but it doesn’t mean they won’t eventually offer support. Additionally, there are other support systems available to help you navigate parenting.

Support Is Available

Deciding to parent can feel complicated, but you don’t have to face it alone. There are resources to help you navigate parenting and thrive along the way.

We offer free resources such as educational opportunities and community referrals to help you feel informed. Contact us today to schedule a free, confidential appointment.
