You and your girlfriend may still be experiencing the initial shock of an unplanned pregnancy and feeling overwhelmed as you navigate the next steps.
Finances may be one of the first things to consider when considering a pregnancy decision. Most often, you must be legally married to obtain insurance coverage for your partner’s pregnancy.
Continue reading to learn more about abortion costs and the risks to consider. You can also schedule a free appointment to learn more about your options.
How Much Does Abortion Cost?
Medical abortion, or the “abortion pill,” occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy and usually costs about $500 to $800. Surgical abortion, which is necessary beginning in the second trimester, can cost up to $2,000.
The costs above only include the direct costs of the abortion. However, your girlfriend must also consider the cost of taking time off work, childcare, transportation, and the potential for additional medical bills if complications arise.
The Types of Abortion
Medical abortion is FDA-approved through 10 weeks of pregnancy, and it uses two drugs, mifepristone, and misoprostol, to terminate the pregnancy and cause expulsion of the pregnancy through the vagina.
Possible risks of medical abortion include:
- Incomplete abortion (this occurs when some pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus, and it might require surgical treatment)
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Infection
- Fever
- Digestive issues (i.e., upset stomach)
During a surgical abortion, the surgeon opens the woman’s cervix and scrapes or suctions the pregnancy tissue from the inside of the uterus.
Possible risks of surgical abortion include:
- Perforation of the uterus
- Tearing of the cervix
- Formation of uterine scar tissue, which may lead to infertility and painful periods
- Infection
It is critical to consider the potential risks of abortion and the impact they may have on a woman’s short-term and long-term health before choosing to terminate a pregnancy.
Find Out More
Before seeking out an abortion, your girlfriend needs to learn more about her pregnancy to protect her health.
Confirming the pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound will provide essential details.
The ultrasound will determine if the pregnancy is viable, meaning there is a detectable heartbeat, how far along your girlfriend is, and if the pregnancy is implanted within the uterus. These details play a key role in determining pregnancy options.
As you and your girlfriend are making the final decision, it is vital to not only consider the cost of abortion but also the potential impact abortion could have on your girlfriend’s health.
Wellspring Pregnancy and Health Center provides free services to pregnant women, and the medical team can help you better understand her unique situation and risks.
Contact us today to make a confidential appointment.
Wellspring Pregnancy and Health Center does not provide or refer for abortions.
All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.